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Learn What Makes Wellness Water Filtration Systems Unique

Water Filtration & Softening

Wellness Water offers the most advanced, all-in-one solution for your whole home or commercial building. Our systems remove all toxins, re-add beneficial minerals, while softening and alkalizing the water.

We believe healthy water is a basic human right. Because of this, 10% of corporate profits are donated to the Water 4 Mercy project.  -Ryan Stuart, CEO


Celebrating 35 Years of Excellence

Serving our customers clean, pure water is what we have always been committed to.

What’s Really in Your Water?

There are over 250 contaminants commonly found in American drinking water. In truth, even if your home water is regulated by state and local governments, it doesn’t make it safe to drink or even use. Why? Because well regulated (плед) does not mean scientifically proven to be safe. This is why a whole house water filter is critical in helping eliminate those toxic contaminants which studies show can cause many health risks including cancer.

Why Choose A Whole House Water Filtration System

Premium Products

Our water and air treatment systems meet the highest industry standards, and are assembled and shipped from our Chicago factory.

Better Taste

INGREDIENT-QUALITY WATER. Not only will your tap water taste dramatically better, but so will meals and beverages prepared with it.

Better Laundry

Clothes will look brighter and feel softer when you pull them from the dryer.

Saves You Money

Softer water means water-using appliances last longer, and soap and detergent usage is drastically reduced.

Lifetime Warranty

We back our products with the industry’s most comprehensive warranties and unparalleled service through our worldwide dealer network.

Tested & Certified

Our products undergo rigorous, independent third-party testing to ensure our water treatment systems perform as advertised.

Common Problems With Home Water

Tap Water

Find the common problems you can have with your tap water покривало на ліжко :

  • Bad Taste
  • Chlorine Odor
  • Cloudy
  • Fishy Odor
  • Musty Odor
  • Rotten Egg Odor
  • Off-Color
Kitchen Appliances

Find the common problems you can have with your kitchen appliances:

  • Cloudy Ice Cubes
  • Water Spotting

  • Fishy Odor
  • Water Staining
  • Frequent Dishwasher Repairs

Find the common problems you can have with your Laundry:

  • Excessive Soap Usage
  • Lack of Suds
  • Scale Buildup
  • Stiff Laundry
  • Water Staining
Shower & Bath

Find the common problems you can have with your Shower & Bath:

  • Dull, Limp Hair
  • Water Spotting
  • Poor Lathering of Soaps & Shampoos
  • Water Spotting
  • Scale Buildup on Fixtures & Showerheads
  • Dry Skin
  • Soap Residue
  • Water Staining
Specific Contaminant

Find the common problems you can have with your Specific Contaminant:

  • Lead
  • Arsenic
  • Cysts (Giardia, Cryptosporidium)
  • Chlorine
  • Fluoride
  • Nitrates
  • Heavy Metals
  • Turbidity
  • TDS
  • VOCs

Our Partners

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Whole House Water Softeners and Water Filters In Emporia KS

Water Softeners in Emporia KS FAQ

Q: What is a water softener?

A water softener is a device that reduces the concentration of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, in hard water. It works by exchanging these minerals with sodium ions through a process called ion exchange.

Q: Why should I consider installing a water softener?

Installing a water softener can have several benefits, including improved water quality, reduced mineral buildup in pipes and appliances, softer and cleaner-feeling laundry, reduced soap scum, and extended lifespan of water-using appliances.

Q: How does a water softener work?

A water softener works by passing hard water through a tank containing resin beads. These beads attract and retain the calcium and magnesium ions, while releasing sodium ions. This process removes the hardness minerals from the water, resulting in softened water.

Q: How often should I regenerate my water softener?

The frequency of regeneration depends on the water hardness level and the size of the water softener unit. Generally, it’s recommended to regenerate the water softener every 2-4 days or as needed to maintain optimal performance.

Q: Can a water softener remove other contaminants from water?

Water softeners are primarily designed to remove hardness minerals and do not effectively remove other contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, or chemicals. For comprehensive water filtration, a combination of water softeners and additional filtration systems may be necessary.

Q: How long does a water softener last?

The lifespan of a water softener depends on various factors, including the quality of the unit, usage, and maintenance. On average, a well-maintained water softener can last between 10-20 years.

Q: Do water softeners require regular maintenance?

Yes, water softeners require regular maintenance to ensure their effectiveness and longevity. This includes replenishing salt, cleaning the brine tank, checking for leaks, and occasionally sanitizing the system to prevent bacterial growth.

Q: Can I install a water softener myself?

While it’s possible to install a water softener yourself, it’s recommended to seek professional installation. Proper installation ensures correct plumbing connections, adequate salt and water supply, and optimal positioning for efficient operation.

Q: How much does a water softener cost?

The cost of a water softener can vary depending on factors such as brand, size, features, and additional installation requirements. Generally, residential water softeners can range from $500 to $3,000, including installation.

Q: Are water softeners environmentally friendly?

Water softeners that use salt for regeneration can have a negative environmental impact due to increased sodium levels in wastewater. However, there are salt-free alternatives available that are more environmentally friendly. Additionally, some municipalities have regulations regarding the use of water softeners due to their impact on water sources.

Q: Can I use softened water for drinking and cooking?

It is generally safe to drink and cook with softened water, as the sodium content is within acceptable levels for most people. However, for individuals on a sodium-restricted diet or with certain health conditions, it’s recommended to use an alternate source of water for drinking and cooking purposes.

Q: Can a water softener negatively affect plant growth?

Water softened through ion exchange can contain increased levels of sodium, which may have a negative impact on certain plants. It’s advisable to use unsoftened water or consider alternative watering methods for sensitive plants, such as collecting rainwater.

Q: How can I determine if I have hard water?

Several signs indicate the presence of hard water, including limescale buildup on faucets and fixtures, soap scum on bathroom surfaces, stiff and dingy laundry, reduced lather formation with soap and detergent, and dry or itchy skin and hair.

Q: Can a water softener improve the lifespan of my appliances?

Yes, a water softener can improve the lifespan of appliances that use water, such as dishwashers, washing machines, and water heaters. By reducing mineral buildup in the pipes and components, water softeners help appliances operate more efficiently and last longer.

Q: Do water softeners require electricity to operate?

Most water softeners do not require electricity to operate. Traditional salt-based water softeners regenerate based on water flow and do not need a power supply. However, certain advanced models, such as those with digital controls or additional features, may require electricity.

Q: Can I take a water softener with me if I move?

Yes, water softeners can be uninstalled and taken with you if you move. However, it’s recommended to consult with a professional to ensure proper disconnection, transportation, and reinstallation of the unit in your new location.

Q: Is it possible to rent a water softener?

Yes, renting a water softener is an alternative to purchasing one outright. Many water treatment companies offer rental options, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of a water softener without the upfront costs. Rental agreements typically include maintenance and servicing.

Q: Can a water softener cause low water pressure?

In some cases, water softeners can cause a slight reduction in water pressure due to the flow restriction caused by the resin beads and plumbing configuration. However, this reduction is usually minimal and can be managed by adjusting the system’s settings or working with a professional installer.

Q: Will a water softener eliminate all spots and residue on dishes and glassware?

While a water softener can significantly reduce spots and residue on dishes and glassware, it may not eliminate them entirely. Additional factors such as dishwashing detergent, water temperature, and the specific composition of your water can also influence the overall results.

Q: Can I use less detergent with a water softener?

Yes, with a water softener, you can often use less detergent for tasks like laundry and dishwashing. Softened water improves the effectiveness of soaps and detergents, allowing you to use lower amounts while still achieving satisfactory cleaning results.

Q: How do I know if my water softener is working properly?

There are a few indicators that can help you determine if your water softener is working properly. These include the absence of limescale buildup, reduced soap scum, softer laundry, improved lathering with soaps and shampoos, and optimal water flow and pressure throughout your plumbing system.

Q: Can I install a water softener outdoors?

While it’s technically possible to install a water softener outdoors, it’s generally not recommended. Outdoor installation exposes the unit to environmental elements, temperature fluctuations, and potential damage or vandalism. It is best to install the water softener indoors, ideally near the main water supply and a floor drain.

Q: Can a water softener remove iron from water?

Water softeners can remove small amounts of soluble ferrous iron, also known as clear water iron. However, for higher levels of iron or other forms of iron, such as ferric iron or iron bacteria, additional treatment methods like an iron filter or oxidation process may be required.

Q: Can a water softener make my water taste salty?

Water softened with a salt-based water softener may have a slight increase in sodium content, which can affect the taste for those sensitive to salt. However, the amount of sodium added during softening is generally within the acceptable range for most individuals and does not make water taste noticeably salty.

Q: Can I bypass the water softener for specific water outlets?

It’s possible to install a bypass valve for your water softener, allowing you to temporarily bypass the softening process for specific water outlets. This can be useful for outdoor faucets, watering your lawn or garden, or situations where soft water is not necessary, such as washing your car.

Q: Can a water softener help with dry and itchy skin?

Yes, a water softener can help alleviate dry and itchy skin caused by hard water. Hard water minerals can strip away natural oils from the skin, leading to dryness and irritation. Softened water, which is free of those minerals, can help restore moisture and improve the overall condition of your skin.

Q: Can a water softener create slippery conditions in the shower or bathtub?

Softened water can feel slightly slippery or “silky” due to the absence of the minerals that contribute to soap scum. While this may require some adjustment, it generally does not create significant safety concerns. However, it’s always important to exercise caution and use appropriate non-slip mats or grips in the shower or bathtub.

Q: Can I use table salt instead of specialized salt for my water softener?

It is not recommended to use table salt or specialized salt intended for consumption in your water softener. These salts may contain additives or impurities that can negatively impact the effectiveness and lifespan of your water softener. It’s best to use high-quality salt specifically designed for water softeners.

Q: Do water softeners remove chlorine from water?

While water softeners can remove some chlorine, they are not specifically designed for comprehensive chlorine removal. If chlorine reduction is a priority, a separate activated carbon filter or whole-house water filtration system is a better option.

Q: Can I use softened water in my swimming pool or hot tub?

Using softened water in swimming pools or hot tubs is not recommended. Softened water can cause excess foaming and potentially disrupt the pool or spa’s water chemistry. It’s best to use unsoftened water or consult with a pool professional for appropriate water treatment methods.

Q: What is the difference between salt-based and salt-free water softeners?

Salt-based water softeners use ion exchange to remove hardness minerals and require regular salt replenishment for regeneration. Salt-free water softeners, on the other hand, use alternative methods like template-assisted crystallization to prevent minerals from adhering to surfaces, hence “softening” the water without the need for salt.

Q: Can I add too much salt to my water softener?

Adding too much salt to your water softener can lead to performance issues and inefficiency. It’s recommended to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines regarding salt levels and regeneration frequency. Monitoring salt levels and refilling when necessary ensures optimal operation and prolongs the lifespan of the unit.

Q: Can a water softener help with soap scum and hard water stains in the bathroom?

Yes, a water softener can significantly reduce soap scum and hard water stains in the bathroom. Softened water prevents the formation of mineral deposits on bathroom surfaces, making cleaning easier and reducing the need for harsh cleaning products.

Q: Can a water softener benefit my hair?

Softened water can benefit your hair by reducing mineral buildup and making it easier to lather and rinse out shampoos and conditioners. It may leave your hair feeling smoother, less frizzy, and more manageable.

Q: Can a water softener help with the efficiency of my water heater?

Yes, a water softener can improve the efficiency of your water heater. Softened water prevents the buildup of mineral deposits in the heating elements and pipes, allowing the water heater to operate more efficiently and reducing energy consumption.

Q: Can I wash my car with softened water?

Washing your car with softened water can yield better results by minimizing water spots and streaks. However, it’s important to note that softened water contains increased levels of sodium, which can affect certain automotive finishes. It’s advisable to rinse your car with unsoftened water or dry it thoroughly after washing with softened water.

Q: Can a water softener improve the taste of coffee and tea?

Softened water can improve the taste of coffee and tea by eliminating the metallic or bitter taste often associated with hard water. It allows the true flavors of the coffee beans or tea leaves to shine through, providing a more enjoyable drinking experience.

Q: Can a water softener reduce the need for cleaning products?

Yes, a water softener can reduce the need for cleaning products, as soft water leads to less soap scum, limescale buildup, and mineral deposits on surfaces. Cleaning tasks become easier and require fewer cleaning agents to achieve satisfactory results.

Q: Can infants or young children safely bathe in softened water?

Bathing infants or young children in softened water is generally considered safe, as long as the sodium content is within acceptable limits. However, individuals with specific concerns or health conditions should consult with their healthcare provider before using softened water for bathing or any other purposes.

Q: Can a water softener help with laundry?

Yes, a water softener can greatly benefit laundry. Softened water improves the effectiveness of detergents, leading to cleaner and softer clothes with brighter colors. It also helps extend the lifespan of clothing by preventing damage caused by hard water minerals.

Q: Can I install a water softener in my apartment or rented property?

Installing a water softener in an apartment or rented property may require permission from the landlord or property management. It’s essential to review the terms of the lease agreement and discuss any modifications or installations with the relevant parties beforehand.

Q: Can a water softener help with clogged or blocked pipes?

A water softener can help prevent clogged or blocked pipes by reducing the buildup of minerals inside them. Over time, hard water deposits can accumulate and restrict water flow, potentially leading to plumbing issues. Softened water helps prevent this buildup, keeping pipes clear and minimizing the risk of blockages.

Q: Can a water softener remove soap scum from my shower doors?

Softened water can significantly reduce soap scum on shower doors. The absence of hard water minerals eliminates the main cause of soap scum buildup, resulting in cleaner and clearer shower doors.

Q: Can a water softener help with eczema or sensitive skin conditions?

While a water softener

To find the best water filter in Emporia, KS, you can follow these steps:

1. Research local stores: Start by looking up local stores in Emporia, KS, that offer water filters. This can include general home improvement stores like Home Depot or Lowe’s, as well as specialty stores that sell water filtration systems.

2. Read customer reviews: Once you have identified a few stores that carry water filters, read customer reviews for the products they offer. Online platforms, such as Google, Yelp, or the store’s website, can provide valuable insights into the performance, reliability, and customer satisfaction of different water filters.

3. Consider your needs: Before making a purchase, identify your specific needs. Are you looking for a whole house water filter, an under-sink system, or a filter pitcher? Consider factors like water quality in Emporia, the size of your household, and your budget.

4. Compare features and filtration levels: Look for filters that meet your specific requirements. Compare the features and filtration levels of different products, keeping in mind factors like filter lifespan, flow rate, types of contaminants removed, and ease of installation and maintenance.

5. Seek expert advice: If you are unsure about the right water filter for your needs, consult with experts at the stores you’re considering or contact local water treatment professionals in Emporia, KS. They can provide guidance based on your specific circumstances and help you make an informed decision.

6. Compare prices: Once you have narrowed down your options, compare the prices of various water filters to ensure you are getting the best value for your money. Consider any additional costs, such as replacement filters or professional installation, when comparing prices.

7. Check warranties and customer support: Before making a final decision, check the warranty and customer support offered by the filter manufacturer. A reliable warranty and responsive customer support can provide peace of mind and assistance if you encounter any issues with your water filter in the future.

By following these steps, you will be able to find the best water filter in Emporia, KS that meets your specific needs and provides clean and safe drinking water for you and your family.


Reverse osmosis (RO) systems are an effective solution for ensuring clean and great-tasting water in your home or office. If you reside in Emporia, KS, and are looking for the best RO system, you’re in luck! Emporia offers a range of top-notch options that can meet your water filtration needs. In this article, we will explore the best RO systems available in Emporia, providing you with the necessary information to make an informed decision.

Best Reverse Osmosis Systems in Emporia, KS

1. XYZ Water Filtration System: XYZ is a reputable brand known for providing excellent RO systems in Emporia. Their advanced filtration technology removes impurities and contaminants, ensuring pure and refreshing water.

2. ABC RO System: ABC offers a wide range of RO systems tailored to fit different budgets and requirements. Their systems are easy to install and maintain, making them a popular choice among Emporia residents.

3. DEF Ultra-Filtration System: DEF provides cutting-edge ultra-filtration RO systems that effectively eliminate harmful substances, resulting in clean and healthy drinking water.


Investing in a high-quality reverse osmosis system ensures that you and your loved ones have access to clean and safe drinking water. In Emporia, KS, the options mentioned above are some of the best available. Whether you choose XYZ, ABC, or DEF, you can rest assured that you are investing in a reliable and efficient water filtration system. Remember to consider your specific needs, budget, and installation requirements when making your final decision. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your water is free from impurities, and make a positive step toward a healthier lifestyle today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a whole house water filter?

A whole house water filter is a filtration system that is installed at the main water supply entry point of a house. It is designed to remove impurities and contaminants from the water, providing clean and filtered water for all household uses.

Why should I consider installing a whole house water filter?

Installing a whole house water filter ensures that all the water in your home is free from impurities, such as sediments, chlorine, and other chemicals. It improves the taste and odor of the water, provides healthier water for drinking, and helps protect your appliances and plumbing from the damaging effects of these contaminants.

Can a whole house water filter remove lead from the water?

Yes, certain whole house water filters are capable of removing lead from the water. However, it is important to check the specifications of the filter and ensure that it is specifically designed to remove lead. This is essential for homeowners, especially in areas where lead contamination is a concern.

Frequently Asked Questions: Whole House Water Filtration System in Emporia KS

What does a whole house water filtration system do?

A whole house water filtration system filters the water that enters your home from the main water supply, ensuring that all faucets, showers, and appliances have access to clean and purified water.

Why should I consider installing a whole house water filtration system in Emporia KS?

Installing a whole house water filtration system in Emporia KS ensures that you and your family have access to clean and purified water throughout your home. It removes impurities, such as sediment, chlorine, and harmful contaminants, improving the taste, smell, and overall quality of your water.

Can a whole house water filtration system remove hard water?

Yes, a whole house water filtration system can remove hard water minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, through the use of a water softener component. This helps prevent scaling, extends the lifespan of appliances, and provides other benefits associated with soft water.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a whole home water filtration system?

A whole home water filtration system is a system installed in a residential property to filter and purify the water that enters the entire house. It ensures that all the water from different faucets and appliances is free from contaminants and impurities, providing clean and safe water for various uses.

Why should I consider getting a whole home water filtration system?

A whole home water filtration system offers numerous benefits such as improved water quality, removal of harmful contaminants, elimination of bad odors and tastes, protection for plumbing fixtures and appliances, and overall better health for you and your family. It provides clean and pure water for drinking, cooking, bathing, and other household needs.

About Our Commercial Installation Company and Service

Thank you for considering Wellness Water Filtration Systems services near Emporia Kansas.

Whole House Water Filtration System

Whole Home Water Filtration System

water softener

water filter

water softener system

whole house water filter

best water filter system

faucet water filter

home water filter

under sink water filter

water filter for sink

reverse osmosis water filter

Commercial Water Filter and Softener

ro system

Reverse Osmosis System

Water Purifier

Entire Home Water Filtration System

Brands of Water Purification Systems:

Best Well Water Filter Systems


Culligan Water Treatment Systems

Kinetico Water Systems

Fleck Water Softeners

Pelican Water Systems


Home Master






Home Master





Alkaline Water & Water Ionizer H2O For Under Your Sink

Water softening equipment supplier

Water filter supplier

Removes...Toxins, Cancer-Causing Agents, Bacteria, Fluoride, Chlorine, Metals, Heavy Metals, Radioactive Metals, PFAS, PFOS, Iron, Lead, Chromium, Atrazine, Nitrates, Fertilizers, Pesticides

  • Softening
  • Activated Carbon
  • Charcoal Filter
  • Purification
  • Ionization
  • Alkaline
  • Remineralization
  • Well Water Filter
  • Iron Removal
  • Shower Filter
  • Faucet Filter
  • Drinking System
  • Purified Water
  • ph 9.5 Levels
  • devices
  • machines
  • Ionized
  • Dealer
  • Company
  • Service
  • Installation
  • Water filter supplier
  • Water treatment supplier
  • Water purification company
  • Water softening equipment supplier