Did you know that in the United States, public water supplies are treated to remove minerals like calcium and magnesium? This is because those minerals can cause unpleasant tastes and odors, and can also lead to the build-up of scale on fixtures and pipes. But what if you’re interested in remineralizing your water at home? In this blog post, we’ll discuss what remineralization is, and whether or not it’s something you should consider for your own drinking water.

What is remineralization and what does it do for water

Remineralization is the addition of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, to water to improve its quality. Remineralization can occur naturally as water passes through rocks and soil, but it can also be artificially added through filtration systems or other treatments. The purpose of remineralization is to provide essential nutrients and minerals that are beneficial for human health and also improve the taste of water.

Remineralization can be used to balance pH levels, which is important because acidic waters can corrode the plumbing and introduce heavy metals into drinking water. Adding minerals like calcium and magnesium through remineralization can help reduce acidity in water by neutralizing it. Remineralized water can also help reduce scaling, which is the buildup of calcium and other minerals on pipes and fixtures.

Remineralization is not only beneficial for improving the taste of water, but also for providing essential nutrients like iron, zinc, potassium, and magnesium that are important for human health. These minerals play an important role in a variety of bodily functions, including the regulation of blood pressure and the absorption of calcium. Increasing the mineral content in water can improve its nutritional value and make it more beneficial for human consumption.

Overall, remineralization is an important process that can help to improve both the taste and quality of drinking water. By adding essential minerals, remineralization can help to reduce acidity and provide beneficial nutrients that are important for human health.

The benefits of remineralized water

Remineralized water offers a variety of benefits that make it an ideal choice for drinking and everyday use. The addition of essential minerals can improve the taste and quality of water, making it more enjoyable to drink. Remineralization can also help to reduce acidity in water, which can help to protect plumbing systems from corrosion and prevent the buildup of heavy metals.

Remineralization also provides essential minerals that are important for human health, such as iron, zinc, potassium, and magnesium. These minerals play an important role in a variety of bodily functions, including the regulation of blood pressure and the absorption of calcium. Increasing the mineral content in water can improve its nutritional value and make it more beneficial for human consumption.

Finally, remineralized water can also help to reduce scaling, which is the buildup of minerals on pipes and fixtures. The addition of essential minerals through remineralization can help to balance pH levels and prevent scaling from occurring.

Overall, remineralized water offers a variety of benefits that make it an ideal choice for drinking and everyday use. By adding essential minerals, remineralization can help to improve both the taste and quality of water while providing beneficial nutrients that are important for human health.

Signs that your water may need remineralization

The signs that your water may need remineralization can vary depending on the type of minerals and nutrients that are lacking. Some common signs include:

  • Unpleasant taste – If your drinking water tastes metallic, foul, or simply “off” then it may be a sign that your water needs to be remineralized.
  • Low pH – If the pH of your water is too low, it could indicate that your water has become too acidic and needs to be remineralized in order to balance out the acidity.
  • Poor lathering or bitter taste – Remineralization can help improve detergent performance and reduce the bitter taste from chlorine or other chemicals.
  • White residues – If you notice white residue in sinks and fixtures, it could be a sign that your water needs to be remineralized in order to reduce scaling.

Overall, if you experience any of these signs with your drinking water then it may be time to consider remineralizing it. Remineralized water can help to improve the taste, quality, and nutritional value of your drinking water while protecting plumbing systems from corrosion.

How to remineralize your own water at home

If you’d like to remineralize your own water at home, there are a few easy steps that you can take. First, you should test the mineral content of your water in order to determine what minerals need to be added. Then, once you know which minerals need to be added, you’ll want to purchase a remineralization filter or add the minerals to your water manually. Finally, you should test the mineral content of your water again after remineralizing it in order to ensure that it has reached the desired level of minerals.

Remineralizing your own water is an easy and cost-effective way to improve the taste, quality, and nutritional value of your drinking water. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily remineralize your drinking water at home and enjoy all the benefits that it has to offer. 

The cost of remineralizing your own water

The cost of remineralizing your own water can vary depending on the type of minerals and nutrients that need to be added. Generally speaking, you should expect to spend anywhere from $20-$100 for a quality filter system that is capable of remineralization. Additionally, you may also need to purchase additional materials such as mineral cartridges, test kits, and other supplies.

Overall, the cost of remineralizing your own water is relatively low compared to the cost of purchasing pre-mineralized water from a store. Plus, remineralizing your own water offers many more benefits than simply buying pre-mineralized water, including improved taste and quality as well as beneficial nutrients that are important for human health.

Remineralizing your own water is a great way to improve the taste, quality, and nutritional value of your drinking water while protecting plumbing systems from corrosion. With the right supplies and a little bit of knowledge, you can easily remineralize your own water at home.

As always, it is important to consult a professional before attempting any kind of water remineralization project. Professional help can ensure that the process is done correctly and safely so that you can enjoy all the benefits of remineralized water without any unnecessary risks. Contact your local water treatment professional today for more information on how to remineralize your own water at home.

Alternatives to remineralizing your own water

If you don’t want to remineralize your own water at home, there are a few other options available. You can purchase pre-mineralized bottled water from a store or from an online retailer, which eliminates the need for any kind of water filtering or remineralization process. Additionally, many municipalities offer their own water delivery services, which can provide you with pre-mineralized drinking water for a small fee.

Overall, remineralizing your own water is the most cost-effective and beneficial option available, but there are other alternatives that you can consider as well. Whatever option you choose, make sure to do your research and consult a professional before proceeding with any kind of water remineralization project.


Is remineralization of water necessary?

Yes, remineralizing water is an important step in maintaining the quality and taste of your drinking water. When minerals are removed from water during the purification process, they can be replaced with remineralization to restore beneficial nutrients and protect plumbing systems from corrosion.

What are the benefits of remineralizing water?

The benefits of remineralizing water are numerous, including improved taste and quality as well as beneficial nutrients that can promote human health. Additionally, remineralization also helps to protect plumbing systems from corrosion by adding minerals back into the water.

How much does it cost to remineralize your own water?

The cost of remineralizing your own water can vary depending on the type of minerals and nutrients that need to be added. Generally speaking, you should expect to spend anywhere from $20-$100 for a quality filter system that is capable of remineralization. Additionally, you may also need to purchase additional materials such as mineral cartridges, test kits, and other supplies.

What are some alternatives to remineralizing your own water?

If you don’t want to remineralize your own water at home, there are a few other options available. You can purchase pre-mineralized bottled water from a store or from an online retailer, which eliminates the need for any kind of water filtering or remineralization process. Additionally, many municipalities offer their own water delivery services, which can provide you with pre-mineralized drinking water for a small fee.

Is a remineralization filter necessary?

Yes, a remineralization filter is necessary in order to effectively remineralize your own water. These filters are designed to remove harmful impurities while adding back beneficial minerals and nutrients into the water supply. Without a remineralization filter, it would be difficult to achieve desired results when trying to remineralize your own water.

What are the best remineralization filters?

There are many types of remineralization filters on the market today. When choosing a filter, it’s important to make sure that it is capable of removing impurities while adding back beneficial minerals and nutrients into your water supply. Additionally, you should also consider the cost of the filter as well as the filter’s ability to maintain its effectiveness over time. Some of the top-rated remineralization filters include AquaCrest, iSpring, and APEC Water Systems.


I hope this article has given you a better understanding of the importance and benefits of remineralizing water. Remineralization is an important step in maintaining the quality and taste of your drinking water, as well as protecting plumbing systems from corrosion. Remember to do your research when choosing a remineralization filter, and consult a professional if necessary before proceeding with any kind of water remineralization project.